JoJo Clubhouse: A Fresh Take on Loyalty & Engagement

Learn everything there is to know about JoJo Maman Bébé’s groundbreaking new approach to rewarding omnichannel customer engagement.

The cover for Antavo’s article about the JoJo loyalty program.

Fostering loyalty in the babywear and maternity clothing industry comes with unique challenges. On one hand, the consumer base — the little rascals — grows quickly and is in constant need of new clothing. However, if a company can capture the hearts of a newly formed family, it can be their choice for generations to come. The loyalty program at JoJo Maman Bébé, JoJo Clubhouse, aims to capture hearts with a unique, omnichannel reward system.

For a full rundown of JoJo Maman Bébé’s loyalty program (powered by Antavo), download our case study.

The case study download banner for Antavo’s JoJo Maman Bébé case study.

Pivoting Towards an Engaging, Next-Gen Loyalty Program

JoJo Maman Bébé is an omnichannel retailer of maternity wear, babywear, and nursery products, with a thriving eCommerce presence and over 80 stores in the UK and Ireland. The company partnered with Antavo to create a unique customer experience that resonates with the brand’s values. As a result, the JoJo Clubhouse loyalty program pivoted away from a transactional focus and aimed to establish a long-lasting connection with its customer base.

Headshot of Emma Brannan, Marketing Director, JoJo Maman Bébé

We wanted an omnichannel loyalty programme that helped to increase customer LTV and convince single buyers to make that all-important second purchase. We have chosen Antavo because they provided the omnichannel solution that JoJo was looking for, being able to reward loyal customers no matter where or when they shopped.

Emma Brannan

Marketing Director, JoJo Maman Bébé

Devising an Omnichannel Loyalty Program that Raises AOV

JoJo Maman Bébé had a very successful single-channel loyalty program where customers used paper-based cards in the store. Realizing the potential of a unified reward system, JoJo sought to introduce an omnichannel loyalty program in order to reward customers at every touchpoint and to incorporate more sophisticated engagement elements, such as challenges and incentivized content consumption.

In general, the company sought to achieve the following goals:

  • Reward loyal customers rather than one-time buyers
  • Increase the lifetime value of existing customers
  • Offer an omnichannel customer experience
A welcome email and offer from JoJo’s loyalty program.
For JoJo Maman Bébé, one of the motivations for switching to a full loyalty program was to increase brand engagement and encourage customers
to make purchases more often.

JoJo Clubhouse: Rewarding Loyalty & Engagement

The JoJo loyalty program approaches the traditional loyalty formula in a fresh way. Instead of getting points (or stripes, as they are called) for every £ spent, members receive stripes based on their purchase value and tier. JoJo Clubhouse was designed to ensure that tier upgrades are only received after a specific number of purchases are made and minimum order values are met.

 Image showcasing the rates at which customers can earn stripes in the JoJo Clubhouse loyalty program.
JoJo’s approach encourages higher AOV and more frequent purchases.

A Tier-Driven Reward System

JoJo Maman Bébé has created a loyalty program with a variety of rewards that go beyond the usual selection, including a £5 welcome discount, free gift wrapping, and many others. Also, higher tiers not only unlock more rewards, but members who reach the second tier have access to additional monthly offers and have the opportunity to earn stripes through additional, non-transactional actions, such as writing product reviews.

The tier table for the JoJo Clubhouse loyalty program.
The JoJo loyalty program is heavily governed by the tier system.

Creating True Omnichannel Engagement

In order to create a seamless omnichannel experience with its loyalty program, JoJo Maman Bébé rewards customers for both online and offline purchases thanks to Antavo’s Mobile Wallet technology. This technology allows members to use digital loyalty cards to identify themselves in-store. Moreover, the reward system is geared toward promoting omnichannel engagement through in-store events, VIP shopping parties, and in-store sale previews.

A smartphone displaying a JoJo Clubhouse mobile pass.
Using Mobile Passes to identify customers in-store (either while making a purchase or visiting an event) is a staple of a successful omnichannel loyalty program.

Outstanding Results

Throughout its first year, JoJo Clubhouse proved to be of great value to the brand. Overall, the loyalty program has been a continued success, popular among customers old and new. It has helped to improve average order value, time between purchases, as well as the number of purchases among customers. Also, JoJo Clubhouse members are shown to be much more active buyers than non-members.

Icon for the "Why it works" section of Antavo's article.

Program results after year one:

  • The average order value has increased by 33%
  • The number of days between orders has been reduced by 35% for new customers
  • The average number of purchases per Clubhouse member is 4.9

For more details about the structure and results of JoJo Maman Bébé’s loyalty program, download our case study.

The case study download banner for Antavo’s JoJo Maman Bébé case study.

Join the Clubhouse of Innovation

The JoJo loyalty program is an excellent example of how to take an existing reward system to a new level. The company not only switched from a paper-based card system to a digital one, but they introduced a completely new system that rewards more forms of engagement, too — not just purchases. As such, it’s far more effective when it comes to building loyalty.

Interested in pushing the limits of your own loyalty program by revamping it? Or searching for a tech provider to help you launch your very first reward system? Our loyalty experts are more than happy to strike up a conversation. Get the conversation started by sending us an RFP, or booking a demo presentation.

A banner recommending to download Antavo’s Global Customer Loyalty Report 2025.
Headshot of Tamas Oszi Senior Loyalty Program Specialist at Antavo

Tamas Oszi

Tamas is the Head of Content at Antavo and a Certified Loyalty Marketing Professional - CLMP. Tamas is known for having a keen eye for loyalty and customer retention strategies and trends. Tamas is also a true gamer at heart and has an impressive collection of cyberpunk books.

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