About Antavo

Antavo is an enterprise-grade SaaS loyalty technology provider that builds comprehensive loyalty programs to foster brand love and change customer behavior.

The company was founded in London in 2012 by four Hungarian co-founders, and quickly reached the point of serving enterprise-level companies from all over the world, including KFC, C&A and Kathmandu.

Antavo's 'About Antavo' webpage. Antavo's 'About Antavo' webpage.

Global Presence & World-Class Clients

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Antavo's client logo line.
Antavo's client logo.

Conquering the Global Market

After initially specializing in retail, Antavo diversified its service over the years, successfully entering new industry verticals, such as financial services, food & beverage, telecommunications, hospitality and shopping malls.

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Antavo’s Guiding Principle
Is Persistence

Ever since its foundation, Antavo has followed an innovative business approach. We focus only on loyalty program technology and we want to be the best in this space. We don’t focus on other tech or services.

Antavo is recognized by Gartner, Forrester and Loyalty 360, and handles billions of customer loyalty data points every year for the loyalty programs of the world.

Our Mission Statement

As a product-first company, Antavo aims to be the very best in the business, helping brands around the globe meaningfully connect with their customers.

That's why


of our budget goes towards R&D.

Antavo on Sky News

Loyalty programs can help companies keep their customer close in troubling times. It can help businesses in differentiate themselves from other companies.

This is what Antavo’s co-founder talked about on Sky News, connected to Antavo’s most recent funding round.

Antavo on Sky News
Educational video series with a spin

Educational video series
with a spin

Customer loyalty is a special space that requires expertise. This is why we created an educational video series with a spin! Mission: Loyalty is focused on customer loyalty but in the world of spies.

“I await to receive this on Thursday, so on Friday I’d watch it while drinking my coffee. I've been in the industry for a decade, but it’s nice to be reminded of these structures of our industry.” - as we received from a fan!

What Makes Antavo Different?

Strong omnichannel

Most loyalty solutions on the market only focus on either eCommerce on in-store. Antavo’s technology helps to achieve a truly omnichannel experience be it on the web, in-store, or mobile.

Encourage valuable

Share your values and establish long-lasting brand love by rewarding customers for a wide variety of interactions, such as recycling, interacting with your products, writing reviews, or referring friends.

Experiential rewards
and exclusivity

Offer customers an unforgettable loyalty experience: set up VIP clubs, create
high-end incentives to encourage brand engagement, and enable
hyper-personalized communication with behavioral mechanics.

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Leadership Team

Attila Kecsmar

Chief Executive Officer
and Co-founder

Jörn Roegler

Chief Customer Officer

Zsuzsa Kecsmar

Chief Strategy Officer
and Co-founder

Sheila Power

Chief Sales Officer

Andy Nemes

VP North America
and Co-founder

Miklos Kovacs

Chief Operating Officer
and Finance Head

Andras Taraszovics

Head of Product

Laszlo Hornyak

Head of Technology

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Logo line of Antavo's investors. Logo line of Antavo's investors.


Parth Jain is one of Antavo's Customer Success Managers in the EMEA region. He loves learning about new products and always looking for opportunities to try out extreme activities.
Eniko Bus is Antavo’s Educational Expert. She is also a passionate yoga instructor in her free time who a couple of years ago successfully managed to open her own studio.
Andrew Cheesman is Antavo’s Product Expert Team Lead, who not only enjoys a busy farm life but also has a guitar collection, in case he is in the mood for a little jamming.
Janos Pinter, Antavo's Solution Consultant, told us about recently purchasing his dream car, his plans for the future, and how he got bit by a lion as a kid.
Syed Adnan Ali is Antavo’s Head of Project Management Office. He provided insight into what a PMO exactly does, as well as the many amazing talents he’s got.
Valerie Lewis, one of Antavo’s Business Analysts, told us what aspects she likes most about her role and about her love of southeastern spicy dishes that feed stomach and soul.
Adam Perity works as one of Antavo's QA Engineers. He not only learnt to create really cool paintings during lockdown but also enjoys playing the guitar and singing.
Dorina Hiter works as a WordPress Developer at Antavo. She is one of our animal-enthusiast colleagues, who likes reading fantasy books and discovering new hiking places.
Judit Kis is not only a member of Antavo's HR Team but also an avid baker. She told us how she spent a year at a cake shop and learned to prepare the most amazing pastries.
Parth Jain co-worker story.
Eniko Bus co-worker story cover.
Andrew Cheesman co-worker story cover.
Janos Pinter co-worker story cover.
Syed Adnan Ali co-worker story cover.
Valerie Lewis co-worker story cover.
Dorina Hiter co-worker story cover.
A thumbnail image for Attila Kecsmar's episode of the Women at Antavo video series.
A thumbnail image for Klari Nemeth's episode of the Women at Antavo video series.
A thumbnail image for Eva Bacsi's episode of the Women at Antavo video series.
A thumbnail image for Sara Arecco's episode of the Women at Antavo video series.
A thumbnail image for Timi Garai's episode of the Women at Antavo video series.
A thumbnail image for Michelle Ellicott-Taylor's episode of the Women at Antavo video series.
A thumbnail image for Giulia Filoso's episode of the Women at Antavo video series.
A thumbnail image for Kitti Kapusi's episode of the Women at Antavo video series.
A thumbnail image for Zsuzsa Kecsmar's episode of the Women at Antavo video series.

at Antavo

Attila, our CEO, is kicking off our new video series, called Women at Antavo. Learn why he doesn’t take into account factors such as gender, race, or sexuality when it comes to identifying great people and building a skilled and diverse team of professionals.
Klari is a Technical Writer at Antavo and who joined the Product Team after dedicating most of her time to customer support and success. To her, equity means playing to everyone’s strengths to bring out the best in each other.
Eva, our Marketing Director, has overseen Antavo’s marketing operations over a critical time period. She shares what stereotypes of women in business she’d like to see broken, and the three key skills that she believes females bring to the workplace.
Sara, our Head of Customer Success, makes sure our customers are happy and identifies where we can grow the accounts strategically and commercially. She thinks women in the tech industry need a thick skin, and be assertive to ensure we can hold our ground.
Timi, our Business Analyst Chapter Lead, works with customers to map their loyalty business use cases with Antavo’s technical capabilities. She shares her experiences of working as a female in a fast-growth technology brand and why starting from the same ground is important.
Michelle, our Global Head of Partnerships, makes sure that the business has the right partners in the right locations to allow Antavo to grow. To her equity is about not seeing people as man or woman, just about how well they do their job.
Giulia, is the Head of Antavo Academy, Antavo’s interactive e-learning platform that offers courses for partners and customers. Giulia always leads by example and she believes that kindness and being respectful is not a weakness but rather what really makes a difference in the business world.
Kitti is a QA Engineer at Antavo, and she is the only woman on her team of eight developers. Her job is to make sure that the product is working perfectly. She thinks that tech is a great career choice and women need to be supported into more diverse career choices, starting from their first experiences of the world.
Zsuzsa is Antavo’s Chief Strategy Officer and Co-founder. She is focusing on the trends happening in customer loyalty and making sure that they are aligned with the company’s product vision. She also devotes herself on the growth of the company and leading change by being the “cheerleader” of the great female leaders within the company.
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