Loyalty Program
ROI Calculator

Calculate your return on investment with our quick and compact, fill-out-only worksheet

Antavo's Ebook: Loyalty Program ROI Calculator Worksheet

Use our worksheet to easily and accurately
calculate your loyalty program ROI:

  • All you need is the data you already have
  • Get a clear picture of your future ROI
  • Compare your finding with any base scenario (last year’s, the program’s first year, or even previous to having a program in the first place)
  • Deliver detailed and actionable insights to your stakeholders

Download worksheet

Headshot of Giulia Filoso Quotation regarding Antavo

Giulia Filoso
Head of Antavo Academy

It’s time to turn a dreaded question into an asset. Our easy-to-use ROI Calculator Worksheet offers loyalty experts and marketers a painless, quick, and efficient way to accurately calculate and compare their findings. Using this worksheet you’ll be able to have all important information in one place, determine your current situation, and clearly see how it compares to your chosen period. It will enable you to see all areas that perform well and the ones that potentially require some modification. You’ll also be able to test theoretical adjustments regarding your insights.

Headshot of Giulia Filoso Quotation regarding Antavo
Giulia Filoso
Head of Antavo Academy
Design element on Antavo's website

It’s time to turn a dreaded question into an asset. Our easy-to-use ROI Calculator Worksheet offers loyalty experts and marketers a painless, quick, and efficient way to accurately calculate and compare their findings. Using this worksheet you’ll be able to have all important information in one place, determine your current situation, and clearly see how it compares to your chosen period. It will enable you to see all areas that perform well and the ones that potentially require some modification. You’ll also be able to test theoretical adjustments regarding your insights.

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Clients include
A partial list of Antavos's clients. A partial list of Antavos's clients.

Take a look inside

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Antavo's Ebook: Loyalty Program ROI Calculator Worksheet pt. 1.
Antavo's Ebook: Loyalty Program ROI Calculator Worksheet pt. 2.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Is it truly so easy to use your worksheet?

Yes. No high-level spreadsheet skills are required. Our worksheet can effortlessly be used by experts and beginners alike. Right up top, you’ll find a thorough explanation of the worksheet’s capabilities and the data that will be required of you to fill out. In each line, we also provided a brief description of what each metric means, so all you have to do is put in the relevant insights and see the calculated results on the right side.

How can I improve my return on investment?

In order to narrow down the areas you might be able to improve, you need to fully understand your current situation and progress up until now – hence filling out the worksheet. This will provide you with a solid foundation to build on. For further insights and inspiration, we have several case studies and blog articles on best practices and successful brand examples of skyrocketing your loyalty metrics.