Mission: Loyalty – The Trailer Is Here…

Introducing the Mission: Loyalty video series, your best source for loyalty program best practices, innovation, and research…with a twist.

Antavo’s cover for the Mission: Loyalty trailer article.

Hello, I’m Secret Agent Jess… but you can just call me Jess.

I joined Antavo back in 2016 and have been writing about loyalty for a long time. I’ve even been in a few videos! You might have seen some of my blog posts before. But there’s something you might not know about me.

Although my official job title is Loyalty Analyst, I’ve been training hard to become a Special Agent.

This year, I became a Certified Loyalty Marketing Professional (CLMP) with The Loyalty Academy. Someone high up must have noticed my hard work because, one fateful afternoon, I got a call inviting me on a mission for the greater good of loyalty programs. (Can you figure out who that person was from the video?)

My training to become a secret agent culminated in the Mission: Loyalty video series. Keep an eye out over the next few months because I’ll be sharing best practices, research, and resources on some of the most requested topics about customer retention and rewards programs.

Well, now the secret is officially out.

I’ll see you on the first mission in November — and if you don’t want to miss that first episode, make sure to sign up here.

–Secret Agent Jess, Loyalty Analyst at Antavo, CLMP

And here’s the trailer again:

[UPDATE] Here’s the list of published Mission: Loyalty videos that since have been published:

Headshot of Jessica Mizerak, Loyalty Program Analyst and a Certified Loyalty Marketing Professional - CLMP

Jessica Mizerak

Jess is a Loyalty Program Analyst and a Certified Loyalty Marketing Professional - CLMP, helping companies learn more about customer retention strategies, so they can launch successful loyalty programs. She has been writing about loyalty since 2016. Jess also enjoys ballet, travel, learning languages, and carrying out secret missions for loyalty intel.

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