Partners Solution partners Agencies Bas Kommunikasjon AS

Bas Kommunikasjon AS

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Company description

Bas Kommunikasjon AS (Bas) is Norway’s largest Marketing Service Provider (MSP). Since 1992, they have been helping B2C companies of all industries with communication, loyalty, customer experience and providing MarTech solutions.

Solution overview
  • They provide strategic advisory, operational services in all known Marketing Automation platforms, Customer Data Platforms, integration services, design, content creation, analytics reporting, front- and back-end development – and much more.
  • As short time to value as possible for their customers and their projects
  • Competency sharing to empower and share competency with their customers is key to us.
How we work together

Bas offers Antavo-customers the following expertice and services:

  • Strategic advisory on loyalty, communication and MarTech
  • In-depth knowdledge and experience with the specific requirements in the Norwegian and Scandinavian market
  • Hands-on experience with implementing MarTech – many of their employees hav done so for 20 years
  • Focus on customer experience and business value – and a short time to value
Oslo, Norway
50 employees

Covered Geographies

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