NRDI Project

Antavo has started the research and development of a project titled Loyalty Planner powered by LLMs / Machine Learning. The main goal of the project is to revolutionize standardization in the loyalty industry.

Download the press release

Currently in the loyalty program industry, custom implementations are used that are rigid and very hard to iterate. Due to the lengthy implementation and slow time to market, the return on investment (ROI) of loyalty programs is very difficult to measure, causing a loss in project effectiveness.

With its cutting-edge Planner product, Loyalty Cloud technology provider Antavo is enabling better cross-sectoral cooperation among industry stakeholders (customers, system integrators and loyalty software vendors) in the loyalty management industry. It will also be using LLMs (Large Language Models) and optimizing loyalty programs with ML (Machine Learning).

Antavo’s Planner revolutionizes the Planning phase of loyalty programs by standardizing the vast complexity and variation businesses encounter while defining their loyalty use cases. Standardization allows companies and their marketing staff to generate loyalty use cases, loyalty concepts, and loyalty programs with the help of LLMs (Large Language Models) using natural language to describe these logics. Also, Big Data (or usage data of systems), organized by Antavo, is being used for self-optimizing the programs.

In summary, the overall mechanics, from planning to measuring and adjusting the loyalty programs are being optimized.

„Project no. 2023-1.1.1-PIACI_FOKUSZ-2024-00012 has been implemented with the support provided by the Ministry of Culture and Innovation of Hungary from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund, financed under the 2023-1.1.1-PIACI_FOKUSZ funding scheme.”