Best Practices for Gamification in Loyalty Programs

A deep look at what ways gamified features can enhance a loyalty program

Antavo's Ebook: Best Practices for Gamification in Loyalty Programs

Utilizing game-like elements to enhance the experience

  • Learn the benefits of gamified loyalty programs
  • Discover the most popular gamification types
  • Explore new ways to introduce gamified features
  • Use the system to collect data and gain UGC

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Headshot of Zsuzsa Kecsmar, Co-founder, CMO and Head of Partnerships at Antavo Quotation regarding Antavo

Zsuzsa Kecsmar
Chief Strategy Officer and Co-founder of Antavo

“We receive a lot of questions on the topic of gamification: What makes a gamified loyalty program different? Is it right for me? What companies are successfully using gamification in their programs? With our help, you will find answers that will assist you in creating a gamified loyalty program that both you and your customers will love.”

Headshot of Zsuzsa Kecsmar, Co-founder, CMO and Head of Partnerships at Antavo Quotation regarding Antavo
Zsuzsa Kecsmar
Chief Strategy Officer and Co-founder of Antavo
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“We receive a lot of questions on the topic of gamification: What makes a gamified loyalty program different? Is it right for me? What companies are successfully using gamification in their programs? With our help, you will find answers that will assist you in creating a gamified loyalty program that both you and your customers will love.”

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Clients include
A partial list of Antavos's clients. A partial list of Antavos's clients.

Take a look inside

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Antavo's Ebook: Best Practices for Gamification in Loyalty Programs - Highlighted gamification features for loyalty programs.
Take a look inside Antavo's Ebook: Best Practices for Gamification in Loyalty Programs.
Antavo's Ebook: Best Practices for Gamification in Loyalty Programs - Gamification engagement methods.
Antavo's Ebook: Best Practices for Gamification in Loyalty Programs - Highlighted gamification features for loyalty programs.
Take a look inside Antavo's Ebook: Best Practices for Gamification in Loyalty Programs.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Is it necessary to launch my loyalty program with gamification features?

Even though introducing a loyalty program with gamification in it would make an impact, we recommend starting with a solid MVP and then evolving it based on the community’s response. Not to mention that testing the gamified features takes time, prolonging the design and implementation process.

What rewards or incentives are the best matches for a gamified loyalty program?

Rewards come in all shapes and sizes, and you should ensure that the best incentives are on the line, otherwise, people won’t engage with the gamified elements on a regular basis. We’ve gathered a large knowledge base regarding rewards, including blog posts and ebooks, which can help you make the decision.