Antavo Academy

It's time to become an Antavo Loyalty Expert

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Explore our training platform

Our courses range from business objective-driven content to configurations and technical concepts. The flexible nature of the educational material makes Antavo Academy an engaging, relevant training experience for all audiences, regardless of their role in a loyalty program’s lifecycle.

Let us help you reach your true potential!
Start learning

Be an Antavo
Academy Student

Agency and Marketing Consultants

Find out how Antavo’s technology operates and what kind of opportunities it presents for a next-gen loyalty programs

Loyalty Program Managers and Antavo Users

Practice configuring various reward and campaign scenarios using a dedicated sandbox Antavo account

System Architects
and Engineers

Immerse yourself in the rich integration ecosystem of Antavo and learn how you can connect it to other systems


Luke Saville
CEO at Stedion

“Partnering with Antavo has been a wonderful collaboration and exchange of ideas. The learning and certification process has been a huge value add for our team and given us the confidence to work in the Antavo platform and build our own applications using the Antavo APIs.”

Shawn Tan
Managing Director at IRewards

“It was a delight to use this e-learning platform. The user interface was intuitive, simplifying the learning process. The content was well organized, aiding comprehension and retention. Learning at our own pace was empowering, allowing for a learning experience which fits our busy lifestyle.”

Luke Saville
CEO at Stedion

“Partnering with Antavo has been a wonderful collaboration and exchange of ideas. The learning and certification process has been a huge value add for our team and given us the confidence to work in the Antavo platform and build our own applications using the Antavo APIs.”

Shawn Tan
Managing Director at IRewards

“It was a delight to use this e-learning platform. The user interface was intuitive, simplifying the learning process. The content was well organized, aiding comprehension and retention. Learning at our own pace was empowering, allowing for a learning experience which fits our busy lifestyle.”


The true value of attending Antavo Academy comes from the fact that every course,
thus every learner, is guided by a tutor who is an expert on the given topic.

Experienced loyalty program instructors

The tutors of Antavo Academy have years of industry
knowledge, and most of them are also CLMP™ certified.
They deliver live sessions, correct certification exams
and create video and audio content for self-guided-
learning. Even if there are no live sessions, courses are
always looked after by a tutor.

Learning through live sessions

Some courses include live classes meant for larger
groups of students, delivered by tutors according to a
predefined schedule. Each of the classes welcomes
individual students to enroll in a course, regardless of
what company they are working for.

Reliable feedback on progress

Tutors are responsible for reviewing and correcting any
practical exams, including practice task in the Antavo
sandbox account. In doing so, they also share an
assessment with the learner, explaining their mistakes
and providing helpful suggestions.

Explore Courses
Image of the upcoming sessions within the Antavo Academy.
Explore Courses
Image of the available courses within the Antavo Academy.


We know the difficulties of fitting education
into a busy working schedule.
That’s why the majority of Antavo’s courses
can be completed independently.

Learn at your own pace

Most of the academy courses are built with self-directed learning in mind. Students are encouraged to complete the courses at their own pace, either through videos or written learning material.

Engaging course materials

Completing Antavo Academy courses are meant to be an engaging experience. As practice for the final test, students can solve short quizzes and exercises, which are all part of the learning journey.

Sandbox Antavo platform accounts

Experience Antavo’s platform first-hand using a sandbox account. Put your learnings into practice by configuring a tier system or building a custom reward campaign — the sandbox environment includes all the settings of a live one.

Explore Courses
Explore Courses

Antavo Loyalty

Antavo Academy courses are all built so that learners acquire new knowledge
and competencies that they can leverage in their profession.

Gain proficiency in loyalty

Academy courses provide a certification once the
completion criteria are met, proving the student’s
capability of understanding how Antavo’s platform
operates in great detail. The assessment for this usually
involves a test or an assignment from a tutor.

Keep knowledge fresh

Certifications are valid for at least 12 months. They can be
renewed by undergoing updated sessions on the given
topic. This way Antavo Academy students are encouraged
to keep their knowledge fresh and up to date.

Showcase your certification on Linkedin and in your CV

Above all, Antavo Academy wants to support the success
of those aligned with the loyalty industry. Therefore,
certifications represent a skillset that learners can proudly
showcase in their CV, on LinkedIn, or other professional

Explore Courses
Image of the Antavo Loyalty Certification.
Explore Courses

Academy Curriculum

From courses that explore loyalty program structures to integration 101, we cover everything you need. Currently both free and on-demand courses are available, and completing takes anywhere one day to three weeks, depending on the complexity of the course.

Our top courses include:

Getting Started at Antavo

Fundamental Loyalty Configuration

Advanced Configuration Exercises

Advanced Antavo Integrations & Customizations

Certify Your Company

Want multiple employees to take our courses?

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Image on the Antavo Academy subpage.
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